<html><body><div><strong>Estate Auction</strong><br>Saturday, March 20 at 10 a.m.<br>Located at 584 Mount Tabor Rd. - Buchanan, MI 49107<br>South of Baroda, MI on Hill Rd. to Mt. Tabor Rd. then East to sale, East of Tabor Hill Winer<br><br><strong>Estate Auction</strong><br>“Larry Dean Ford Estate”<br>Friday, Aril 23 at 10 A.M.<br>Located at 3720 Naomi Rd. - Sodus, MI 49126 <br><br><strong>“Former Powell Construction”</strong><br><strong>Public Auction</strong><br>Thursday - May 6 @ 10 A.M.<br><br>Details: www.glassmanauctions.com<br><br></div><div></div></body></html>